New York City
UncategorizedWell, we made the trip to New York City to visit Jill and she gave us a whirl-wind tour in 2 1/2 days. Sunday we went to the Empire State […]
Well, we made the trip to New York City to visit Jill and she gave us a whirl-wind tour in 2 1/2 days. Sunday we went to the Empire State […]
Ken is throwing the kong for the dogs. Bob is enjoying the activities from his easy chair on the patio. Cleo decided she had enough so she took her kong […]
We made the trip to Beaver City on the 11th for Ivan and Adeline’s 65th wedding anniversary. It was about a 4 hour trip but we made it a little […]
The Burwell Rodeo was great again this year, but it was much cooler than in years past. You almost needed a jacket and it rained a couple of nights so […]
Ken, Jamo, Dennis and Aaron went wading the river and had pretty good luck catching catfish.
We had perfect weather for the Borgman Reunion. It was great to have so many of you come.
The hottest days of summer are here and that means its hay hauling time. There was a lot of sweating going on and the laundry room has alot of smelly […]
(Click on the picture to see more.)We made a trip to California to see Jill. We also got to spend time with my Aunt Judy and Ken’s Uncle Mike. We […]
Easter was at Dennis and Carol’s this year. As always there was plenty to eat, especially pies (no pumpkin though). No one got to sleep too long since Dennis planned […]
We had a nice fluffy snow Saturday night and into Sunday. After I got done scooping the walk I thought I would take some pictures. Mattie had a great time […]