
Thanksgiving I haven’t been very good about taking pictures for the holidays, but here are the ones that I have.  We hosted Thanksgiving and I think it turned out pretty […]

Both Priss and Danger had a litter of kittens. Priss had her’s in the hay shed and Danger had her’s in the barn. Ruth and Mattie (working as a team […]

October 17th we headed to Mishawaka driving down the regular highways and sometimes getting off course.  But we made it to Mishawaka by about 9:00 that night. Aaron had tried […]

This was the best year yet for the Junk Jaunt. Our first stop was in Cairo.  Wow, what a crowd.  And there were buses bringing lots of people in from […]

We had some great times taking the canoe out this year. In fact, we just left it loaded on the old truck so we could go whenever we wanted to. […]

I forgot to post this before the picnic pictures.  We decided to have a weiner (and brat) roast Saturday evening.  Since Kalie and Aaron flew in on Friday evening, they […]

I was so excited to finally get hummingbirds coming to my feeders.  Everyone at the Steele Picnic who sat under the Canada Cherry tree enjoyed watching them fly from one […]