Miss Margaret’s Arrival

Miss Margaret’s arrival was exciting for us as well as for Aaron and Kalie:) and we were so glad to be a part of it.

Kalie had been having contractions Tuesday that week so Ken went up that evening and spent the night just in case they had to make the trip to the hospital.  He was scheduled to babysit on Wednesday anyway so it worked out . . . but they didn’t go to the hospital that night.

Then on Friday evening Aaron texted “Keep your phone handy. Kalie has been having lots of contractions again.” It didn’t seem like much longer and he called to say we better jump in the car and head to Bellevue so we did. In a bit he texted “Can you shoot us a text when you get onto Cornhusker. ”Ken drove the speed limit plus some, which he seldom does. Along the way Aaron sent another text which made me smile, “in case I don’t get a chance to tell you, we put clean sheets on our bed so you can sleep in our room if you stay. Her pump will go off at about 6:15. The dishes in the dishwasher are clean if you need them. We have her bags packed but if you wouldn’t mind double checking based off the list in the crib before you leave just to make sure you have everything you need. If you need something to eat just snoop . . . I didn’t get a chance to go to the grocery store today.” He and Kalie are always organized and have things planned out . . . at least the best you can when you’re waiting for a baby to arrive.:) And these are the things that are running through his mind while he’s waiting of us!!

Then he texted “Kalie wants to know how close you are.”

Me: “3 miles from Union” “We will double check the list”

By the time we got to Plattsmouth Aaron had called to say that they were going to grab Emma out of bed and head to the hospital so we quickly changed our route and headed to Bergen. By now it’s past midnight so the traffic is not bad at all and soon we are turning into the Bergen parking lot.  Just then Aaron calls to ask if we are the car  just pulling in . . . as he’s walking across the parking lot with Emma. We pulled up right by him and did a quick hand off of Emma so that he could get inside to be with Kalie.  We picked up Emma’s bag and headed back to their place for the rest of the night.

Our next text from Aaron: Meet Margaret Anne Steele, Born at 4:13 a.m. kicking, screaming and hungry. She weighs 8 lbs. 3.5 oz. and is 21.25 inches long. Mom and baby are both doing great.


We took Emma up to meet her new sister later that morning. When we first walked in the door, Emma looked around and started to cry.  We weren’t sure why, maybe because Mom was in the bed or because it was just a new place.

I was so excited to get a picture of the girls and me!!

We had a fish fry/dance planned for that evening so we took Emma home with us.  She had a big time helping to get the Party Barn ready, but her favorite thing to do in there is walking and running around in the baby walker.  Not sure why, but she loves doing it.

Emma got to dance a dance with Grandpa, which she loved. She also got to meet a lot of people at the dance, including Grace and Brandy. She and Brandy wrote on the chalk board and colored for a while.

Sunday morning we all went to Mass and then we went to the hospital again and again she cried when we walked in the door. Dan, Darlene and Christine were there so Emma was happy to see her other grandparents too.

Monday morning Emma had breakfast with us and she must have been hungry. She had cocoa wheats, oatmeal with blueberries and Grandpa helped her eat peanut butter out of the jar.

Aaron texted early that morning: “Margaret is having milk for her second breakfast and has been super smiley when she has a full tummy. “

“Dr. Newmeyer is hopefully going to discharge us about lunch time but we’ll text you as soon as we’re free.”

Everyone got to leave the hospital so we took Emma back home later that day.

Thursday, November 2, 2017 from Aaron: Post bath Maragret (Pic)