Emma’s First Overnight Stay with Grandpa and Grandma

Aaron and Kalie had some friends coming in from out of town and asked if Emma could stay with us for the weekend.  We jumped at the chance . . . but since she was spending more than just a day with us we needed a refresher course on what Emma’s needs were.  Ken was already very familiar with giving Emma her meds, weighing diapers, writing poop descriptions etc. so Aaron and Kalie showed us some of the important things that go on behind the scenes like: changing the tube on her pump, measuring out the meds, clearing the pump, 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. feedings, how to put the g-button back in if it gets pulled out and mixing up her food. We must have caught on pretty well because they did leave Emma with us!!

We nearly forgot to clear the pump at 10 p.m. according to the schedule and that didn’t get done until 11 p.m. which kind of threw things off a little. But we adjusted.  Emma didn’t wake up at 2 a.m. when we added food to her pump, but she was up and ready to go by the 6 a.m. feeding.

We had a great day on Saturday.  Ken and I slept in the south bedroom so we could hear Emma if she needed something. After she got up at 6 I had her come into the bedroom with me while I made the bed.


After breakfast Emma helped me clean out the kitchen drawer that holds all of the lids to our plastic containers.    

Actually that really did help  because the drawer was getting too full and I needed to sort through it and get rid of the ones we no longer needed.

Annie would come and look in the kitchen door and I would call her name.  Emma quickly picked up on that and would start calling A aaaaa whenever Annie would come to the door. I think Emma likes the dogs, but mostly when they are on the other side of the glass. Her face is just the prefect height for the dogs to slap a big wet tongue on it and look her right in the eye. I’ve been trying to teach Emma to say “No Zelda, or Down Zelda”. I guess from this you can tell which dog is the biggest pain right now.

I have an Echo Dot, a gift from work, that I put up by the crib. At nap time I would tell Alexa to play some classical music for Emma.  I think she enjoyed the music and had no trouble falling asleep. It also helped to disguise all of the racket I was making downstairs while Emma was sleeping.

We still have a landline, mostly for emergencies, and the majority of the calls we get on that line are from telemarketers.  Since we have caller ID, if we see a number come up that we don’t want to talk to we just let it ring.  They can leave a message if it’s important.  Saturday the phone rang and I saw that it was an 800 number so I told Ken I wasn’t going to answer it and I walked away from the phone.  After 5 rings it goes to the answering machine and just after the 5th ring Emma hustled over to the phone and answered it for usJ. Luckily they had just started to leave a voicemail so Emma didn’t get to talk to them. 

Emma spent some time upstairs with all of my sewing stuff.  I had put some strips of fabric in the garbage and she pulled some of them out and put them around her neck like a scarf. Then she found a 26” zipper that I had and some pink ribbon and put those around her neck as well. She wore those around for a while.

After her afternoon nap, we went outside for a bit. Grandpa had just finished up the mowing he didn’t quite get done the day before so we visited him in his new shed.  Grandpa was showing her how to steer.

Emma thought it was fun to pull the pillows off of the sofa, throw them on the floor and then flop on them.  It was a game we played for quite a while.

Saturday night was bath night. We decided the laundry room sink would work good and then she wouldn’t slide away from all the toys.  That worked great!

That night Emma slept through both her 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. feeds and we actually had to wake her up for church.  Ken said I must have worn her out on Saturday.

Emma did great in Church  and ate a great breakfast and lunch.  We met Aaron, Kalie and their friends at Parker’s Smokehouse in Ashland. We had planned to eat together but since it was Mother’s Day the wait was two and a half hours . . . not with a toddler. So we said goodbye to Emma and everyone there is Ashland

We had a great weekend and look forward to Emma staying with us again soon.