July 2015

This year it was the family of Anna Margaret that hosted the Muller Picnic.  We held it at the Old Mattress Factory in Endicott.  We had a great turn-out, I think I counted close to 50 people. Tim, Colby and Ethan made the trip up from Texas. Ethan and Lucas were begging people to ride […]

Jillian did a wonderful job with Kalie’s shower. Especially since she did it on her own. The table full of food, each with a book theme.  And Dessert . . . Kalie got a lot of nice things for the baby.

Everyone here enjoys the new pond.  When we start to walk toward the pond, Mattie will trot ahead of us and slip into the water for a little swim.  We have a few fish in the pond so we feed them occasionally.  Ruth even enjoys a dip in the water but she doesn’t go swimming […]