May Pictures

This summer we have been very busy working on the building and I’ve been putting in a lot of extra hours at work. So again I’m just posting pictures of the things that are going on at Steele Farm.

Danger had four kittens back in April (I think). She had them in the hay shed and then one very stormy night she moved them into the wood pile that was in the garage.  After about a week the kittens started venturing away from the wood and out where the dogs could get them, so Danger moved them to the barn.  They did great there up high on the bales.  When they got a  little older they would slide down from the top bales to where I feed the cats.  Then a little later they started jumping over to the saddles.  Most days when you went into the barn they would all be laying on the saddle blankets taking it easy or wrestling with each other. Danger would be out on the barn porch keeping a watchful eye on all of them.  She was a great Mom.

At the end of May we went out to help Jim and Judy with the cows and calves that were coming for the summer. And you can’t visit without making a trip out to see the mares and foals . . . and Jim’s new stud, Blue. He is beautiful to watch as he was running out to check on us as we rode through the pasture.  
Jim told us about one of the mares that was dragging her front leg.  She was new and when she came she was very possessive of Blue.  She tried to keep the other mares away from him. One day he finally had enough and bit her on the shoulder.  The bite was so big and deep that she’s dragging her leg.  Jim takes along medicine to put on the wound whenever he goes out to check on the mares.  Hopefully she is doing better now.


Jim’s brother moved back from Texas so we had help this year.  

Well, as you can see the kittens have grown.  Thankfully I didn’t have to advertise them, because Kalie’s brother Josh wanted all four of them.  They are now on mouse duty near Fullerton, NE