January 2015

Changes on the Farm

Well we have finally decided on a place on the farm to put up our new building.  Doing an addition to the garage was way too costly so we have gone back to our original plan of putting a Cleary Building on the north side of the windbreak.  Lucky for us the guy who is […]

Keeping Busy in Winter

One of Ken’s projects this winter was to make a wagon wheel chandelier for the new building.  He had found a small one while we were Junk Jaunting. This had the parts he needed. I found the globes at the local hardware store after this picture was taken.  It’s really going to be neat when […]

Thanksgiving I haven’t been very good about taking pictures for the holidays, but here are the ones that I have.  We hosted Thanksgiving and I think it turned out pretty good thanks to all the help we had. With a last minute guest coming (and we always have plenty) we decided to move a table […]