Kitty on Craigslist Episode

I have used craigslist a number of times to give away kittens and there’s never been a problem . . . until now.
We had just one of the Danger’s kittens that survived the dogs and with the very cold weather she was living in the dog box in the garage.  I have an old towel nailed over the door to help keep the heat in and Ruth would go up and just stick her nose behind the towel to see if anything was in there. In this cold weather Ruth would definitely be in the dog box, but she knows if she’s caught anywhere near a kitty she will get in trouble.  Anyway, I decided with all of the hunting dogs coming on Friday and Ruth wanting her box back, I should find a new home for the kitty, so I put an ad on craigslist with a picture.
It started the next morning.  I received a text:
 I am very interested in the kitten
My text reply: Great. Give me a call when you have time.
May I have some pictures?
Then the girl actually called.  She began to tell me that she was interested in the kitten but that she could drive anyway to pick it up. (now in an irritated tone of voice) Her Mom has a thing about gas and wouldn’t let her drive to pick up a kitty.  Could I deliver it?  I asked her if her Mom was okay with her getting a kitten.  (in a much more pleasant voice) Oh sure, we went to Walmart and bought all the kitty stuffy we need. She asked if I could drop the kitty off in the afternoon.  I told her I would have to check my calendar and see what would work for me. (I’m a little suspicious now)
My text reply:  I checked my calendar & the only time I could drop her off would be tomorrow morning between 7 & 7:30. Does that work.
Let me check real quick!
Are you busy during today in the afternoon?
My text reply: Yes, I am at work.
Okay so tomorrow around 7ish?
My text reply: Yes if that works for you. What is the address?
I think it will!!!!
We can meet at 1515 west south street its called fellowship babtist church its roght by my house will that work?
My text reply: I want to be sure you Mom is okay with this. Will she be there?
Would you like to email her? I can give you her email to be sure.
I don’t think so. I have someone else who wants her. Since I live so far out of town I think it would be best and easier for me to go with one of them. They will pick her up. I hope you find another kitten.
Wow thanks that just be ok my heart. Thank *broke
Thanks for tour time even though I was the 1st one who jumped on I but thank you inhabited to get it for my little sister who’s cat passed away.
Later – Is the kitty gone?
I did not reply to any of her texts.
Simultaneously I was also receiving a text from someone else and an email from someone named Lauren.
The text person also wanting more pictures, more information and asked about shots? I’m very suspicious on this one as well.
The email was funnier.
Is the cat free?
Ok where do u live or can I meet u to get the cat. I am a adult so that u know and we have a cat to so if u want it to go to a good home we are the ones.
I’ve told all of them that the kitty is gone.  I think the kitty would have a better chance here than being some teenage girls “pocket kitty” until they got bored with it and just turned her out into the streets.
Future ads will to in the Voice.