Independence Day

Even though we are doing hay we decided to take the day off and go to Fairbury for the 4th to shop at the Flea Market. There are always a couple of things we’re looking for and we usually see some interesting things that we aren’t looking for.  There are a number of food vendors like barbeque, shaved ice (so good to some people they will stand in line for half an hour), funnel cakes and cotton candy (thought of you Carie).

 You can find anything you’re looking for at the Flea MarketI saw this box organizer and thought of Kalie. 

 Cori and Nate were shopping and they brought their new dog Grecie. Cori drove a hard bargain and got a sign that said “Bait”.

We preferred checking out the vendors that had piles of junk.  That’s where you find the good deals:)

As we were walking through the park we could hear music.  There were some people playing patriot music by the fountain.  I love this fountain and they had it working so we sat on the edge and listened to them playing. Here’s a quick sample.  Listening to the patriot music reminded me of Polebridge when we were in Montana where everyone stood out on the street after the parade and started singing. 

 It always amazes me when we go to Fairbury how many people remember Ken.  As we’re sitting on the fountain an older lady comes up to us and asks Ken if he knows who she is.  He has a pretty darn good memory and while he didn’t remember her name, he remembered her sister’s name.  She was surprised he even remembered her and she said many people thought she and her sister were twins. She knew him as one of Anna Margaret’s sons.  Then as we were heading to do some more browsing, an older man stops him and says I should know you. We talked with him for some time or should I say he talked to us.  He motioned his wife over to tell her that Ken was one of Charlie’s sons.

I bought one thing, a pair of steer horns for the new addition, if it ever gets done. 

Then we headed to Dennis and Carols for lunch. Along the we had to stop at the Ray’s grocery for some things. Ken went over to the fireworks stand and bought some smoke bombs and poppers for Lucas.

There was another fireworks stand across the street that had this huge blow-up eagle.

Dennis had smoked some ribs and as always everyone else brought some food. We took a rhubarb cake, some A.M.’s baked beans and the fixings for homemade ice cream.  Jim and Diane; Bubba and Mason; Nate, Cori and Lucas; Todd, Nancy and Ryli; and Chad, Barbie,Ollie and Libby where there.  Ken had a spoonful of ice cream for Ollie.  He practically lunged at it and then he smiled and giggled.  He is such a happy kid and I guess he has a darn good appetite.   

We had to leave Fairbury around 2:00 because Ken had Adoration at Church at 4:00 on every first Friday of the month. Now that we’re home, we’re hoping that the wind goes down so that we can go cat fishing at Wagon Train lake tonight.  Then tomorrow we will get back to work and try to finish the hay. Mark and Chris invited us to go down to DeWitt. They have a fish fry and their whole family comes.  We’ve gotten to know them all pretty well and they all make us feel welcome. Later in the evening there is the parade and a street dance.  If we’re not too tired from doing hay, we may head to DeWitt.