May 2014

Memorial Day, or Decoration Day as Grandma Violet used to call it, gives us a chance to reminisce about people and places. It has always been a tradition for me to stop by the cemeteries around here.  Even when Ken was playing softball and the kids had games (which always included the three-day Memorial Day […]

I can’t believe that its been 10 years (May 22nd) since the tornado.  Surveying the damage the next morning in the daylight was overwhelming but with the help of family, great friends and the prayers of many, we were able to put things back together.

Friday night we went to the indoor football game at Pershing, the Lincoln Haymakers versus the Kansas Koyotes.  (The Haymakers mascot was a guy dressed in a black horse costume named Haywire.  I thought that was odd and I told Ken, horses don’t make hay they eat it, maybe the team should be call the […]

Well the weather is finally starting to warm up so we decided to do a wiener roast Friday night.  And, we got to try out the new chairs we bought at Cabelas last fall. It sounds silly, but sometime we get hungry for grilled hot dogs.  They were very good.  After the flames have died […]