Our trip to visit Carie and Steve

In the evenings at Carie and Steve’s we would watch the Olympics.  I think CJ thought Carie should be paying attention to him instead of watching TV.  He would sit on the table and just stare at her.
We made a trip to Amarillo to see the Cadillac Ranch and the Quarter Horse Museum.  We had a lot of laughs about the Cadillac Ranch.  Just 10 cars stuck in the ground out in the middle of a farm field that was littered with spray paint cans.

From there we went to the Quarter Horse Museum.  They had an exhibit about the Buffalo Soliders that was very interesting.

The weather was great on Saturday, the temp was 78 and  we were lucky enough to be sitting outside watching the Texas Tech Red Raiders.
Sunday Carie drove us to Carlsbad.  We had a great picnic and then we went down in to the Caverns.

Monday, on our way, home we stopped at Dodge City, KS and checked out Front Street. It was a nice break from the road.
On our drive we listened to some more of the audiobook I downloaded called “The Worst Hard Times”.  In the book they talked a little bit about 10-Bears.  This display had a picture of 10 Bears.  He is the older gray haired man sitting in the chair on the left-hand side. 

 They had one whole room dedicated to Gunsmoke. You can see the pictures on the wall they were autographed pictures of some of the stars.  They had an old television that played episodes of Gunsmoke non-stop.  On another television they had a “newsreel” going just like the ones they use to show at school.  This one was about the time when all of the stars of Gunsmoke came to Dodge City.