January 2014

Heather’s Baby Shower As one of the games, we all got to taste different baby foods and then we had to write down what it was.  Heather won one of the other games so she’s opening her prize. A gift from one of the Nebraska Day’s. Mom, Sandy and Cindy trying of figure out how […]

This year Todd, Nancy and Ryli hosted the Steele Family Christmas at the Knight of Columbus Hall in Lincoln.  That’s a very nice facility.  It has a little bar area, a room with a fireplace where they set up tables and then a large room where we could have our gift exchange. As always, there […]

 The food was great . . . we had plenty.  After we ate, Grandma brought the Tile Rummy game, so some played a couple of games.  Heather won the first game, but she couldn’t even “come out” in the second game.  They all had a good time.

We were having trouble getting on the internet during the holidays.  I finally ended going into Lincoln to the Windstream office to pick up a new modem.  Anyway, now I am able to post to the blog again, but I’m a little behind.  These are some of the pictures from the Doeden Dancer’s Christmas.  We […]