Cattle Roundup

We spent last weekend out at the ranch helping Jim and Judy round up cattle.  I didn’t get any pictures of the round up, but I did get some other pictures.  These are the 2013 foals.  Some Jim will keep, other are spoken for.  These was just one that he will be selling.  Of course, he asked if we had a place for one more horse.  We told him maybe after Ken retires, then he will have more time and might be able to work with a colt.

See the cross up on the hill.

We are at the corrals on Marvin and Sharon’s ranch.  This is where the cattle are loaded onto the trucks. Ken and and Jim are getting ready to sort the cattle.

Out on their ranch Jim and Judy have to sod houses.  I was asking Judy about some of the history of the “soddys”.  She was telling us that this old building was the house her parents lived in before the sod houses were built.

Getting the cattle in, sorted and loaded on the trucks is a big concern for Jim.  We went out on horseback and gathered the cattle on Friday. We run them into the corrals and we also have to count them to make sure there aren’t a few still hiding in the hills.  We were lucky this time, 80 cows, 80 calves and 3 bulls. Jim decides that we need to be leaving the house about 5:30 a.m. Saturday morning to get back to the corrals by 6:30.  That’s when the brand inspector will be there. It’s dark when we arrive, so we sit in our vehicles and wait.  It’s pretty tough to see black cattle when it’s dark.  It’s not long and the sun comes up.While we were waiting for the semi-trucks to come for the cattle, I took some pictures of the sunrise on the hills.  The pictures doesn’t do it justice.  The colors are beautiful and with the cattle are mooing in the background it’s a very unique place to be.  Especially just at dawn.

Ken usually runs one of the gates to help sort.  We send enough cows and calves to fill the alley, then Judy tries to send them back down the alley just a few at a time.  If they are cows they go in the first game,  if there are calves, Jim hurries to shut his gate so they will run by and go in Ken’s gate.  I pretty much stay out of the way so I don’t scare the livestock.