Junk Jaunt 2013

Junk Jaunt Area map

We made it through another 3-day weekend Junk Jaunt.  We bought a few items, traveled some roads that had beautiful scenery with the rolling hills and tree covered valleys, talked with some local folks and spent time with family . . . which is always good.  This year we rented both cabins at Victoria Springs.  Ken and I started at St. Paul Friday afternoon and then headed down through Dannenbrog where we had lunch.  Then on to Cairo.  This town was bustling.  The downtown area business are busy and there are more vendors at the fairgrounds.  Not only do you see a lot of “junk” but you get to see some of the neat ideas that people come up with to repurpose old items. Almost anything you’re looking for you can find at the Junk Jaunt – and some things you never knew existed:)

Friday evening we all went to the Fubar in Anselmo for dinner.

These pictures are of Taylor, NE.  This guy had a building like a trailer on his property full of stuff that is there year round.  The other pictures shows the items he had outside on his yard, plus he rented some of his property to other vendors.

Later on Saturday we went to Burwell to the rodeo grounds:

Then we decided to head up to Brewster and Dunning.  The drive was great, not as much traffic as the south half of the Junk Jaunt roads. We bought some homemade mulberry syrup and found these cute donkeys that were for sale.

When we got back Saturday afternoon, Dennis was already fishing.  Ken and I went for walk around the lake reminiscing about the times we camped there with the kids.

And as soon as Todd, Nancy and Ryli got back to the cabin, Ryli grabbed a fishing pole and went fishing too

We usually spend Saturday evening together eating and playing games.  This year Ken and Den taught everyone the card game called Golf.  Carol and I didn’t play, we were just observers.Diane was the “coach”.
Ryli got out of school early this year to come on the Junk Jaunt. Todd and Nancy thought it would be considered “educational” for her.  Hanging out with all us old folks, I’m sure she gets quite an education . . . but I think she enjoys her time with us.

The cabins are very nice inside, a little small for all 9 of us, but we managed.

At the end of every Junk Jaunt, Jamo takes a group picture.

AND, since it was Bubba’s birthday, Carol called her so that we could all sing happy birthday to her.  She didn’t answer, so we left a singing voice mail.

Sunday morning we all got up early and went to church at St. Anselmo’s.  A beautiful old church.
Then we all headed home. Another great year!