October 2013

Chris Roesler made bobber necklaces for both Aaron and Kalie  Oh no, another “smut” book.  Gift with a bobber bow. They also got bobbers in a number of gifts and a whole sackful of bobbers from Uncle Dennis and Aunt Carol. VIDEO-Aaron and Kalie Opening Wedding Gift And one rubber chicken.

Shannon Borgman made the cupcakes for the Rehearsal Dinner which were a big hit.  They were great looking and great tasting.  These ladies are some of Kalie’s bridesmaids.  Waiting for food . . . it was worth the wait.  Candi did a great job!!  Aaron, Father Jose, Kalie and Father Richard  Just a part of […]

Needless to say, I didn’t take any pictures during the wedding, I thought I would leave that to the professionals:). But I did take a few before and after pictures. Here are some of the pictures of decorating at the Loup.

We picked up an old wagon seat at an auction and Ken used the boards as a pattern to do the seat. He cleaned all the metal off and painted it.  This is the Before.  Check out the After . . . .  Here’s the After: We did another weiner roast on Friday night, the […]

We made it through another 3-day weekend Junk Jaunt.  We bought a few items, traveled some roads that had beautiful scenery with the rolling hills and tree covered valleys, talked with some local folks and spent time with family . . . which is always good.  This year we rented both cabins at Victoria Springs. […]