August 2013

Happy Birthday to our son-in-law Steve on the 18th.  We don’t have any baby pictures of Steve to put on the blog likewe did for Carie, but these are great pictures. Have a wonderful day!1

We usually have a weiner roast on Friday night, but this Friday we went to Harold and Rosey Hoge’s to help pick grapes.  There was a big pine tree in the wind-break that had died so Ken cut it down on Saturday afternoon.  They say there is a bug that is killing a lot of […]

So I usually post pictures on the blog, but I thought this time (since I didn’t have a camera with me) I would try to paint a picture with words.  Not sure if I’m very good at this, but I’ll give it a whirl.                                                                                   There use to be a young kid around Hickman who […]