Nebraskaland Days (North Platte trip)

We had a great time at North Platte for Nebraskaland Days.  Here Ken is fishing the outlet at Lake Maloney.  The white bass were swirling around under the gates so he would flip a jig back under there. 
He did catch a few and I caught a couple of them too.
During the grand entry of the Rodeo this little gal rode in on her pony.  She was three years old and she could really make that pony behave.  Her Dad was the clown (entertainment) for part of the rodeo.)

Always on Saturday morning we go to the Eagles pork breakfast they have in the Mall parking lot.  Its a great way to get to talk with people from all over.  This vehicle was in the parking lot not far from where we were eating and I thought it looked like a good travel vehicle (if you could afford the gas).

After the pork breakfast we head to the inlet side of the lake and fish.  Judy Gragg said they would love to have some carp, so we kept almost all of the carp we caught.  They were fun to fight when they were going with the current.

The next three pictures show Ken trying to do the Ben Hamby method of picking up a fish.

We had 8 carp for Jim and Judy.  They were glad to have them.