Friday’s Visitors

This visitor really came on Saturday. One of the biggest praying mantis’ we’ve every seen.

On Friday evening, Nancy and Todd brough Ryli, Evie and Colin out. Evie really took to Uncle Ken . . . . and she liked the horses too.

She got to sit on Joe, but he was so bony it was hard for her to sit up straight. She even got to sit on Brandy, you can tell how Brandy felt about that.

The first one was too tall, the second one was too thin but this one was just right 🙂

You should have seen Ryli’s eyes light up when Uncle Ken asked her if we should saddle Frosty. Colin was such a good kid. He just watched everything that was going on.

Ryli got a refresher course in horseback riding.

Evie wanted to feed Joe some hay. See my hand on the left side, I’m trying to keep nosey Brandy from getting in the picture.

And of course, what would a visit to the farm be without checking out the chickens and holding a baby chick. Most of the time Evie was in the coop she just kept her ears covered because the chickens were making so much noise . . . .”someone new in the coop.”

Before they left everyone came in the house so Colin could stretch his legs. Uncle Ken got out is candy dish from the basement and handed out spice drops a couple at a time. Ryli and Evie were playing the piano. Ken had left the candy dish in the middle of the table. Evie worked at it and finally got one of the chairs moved back so she could climb up, but she was at the long end of the table and couldn’t reach them. She knew better than to climb on the table, so pretty soon here comes Evie. She climbs up on the couch and sits right next to Uncle Ken, she was his buddy and she wanted some more spice drops.