Steele Christmas

Christmas at Dennis & Carol’s

While everyone was visiting around the table, Ryli was anxious to open presents.

Packages of all different shapes and sizes. And it looks like everyone is ready.

Uncle Jim had Chad pick a gift for him since he couldn’t be there. He got a bobber cooler.

On Jill’s second draw – she got an “ice fishing hat”. Chad took it from her – I’m sure he’ll make better use of it:)
Nancy had a gift for everyone there. She surprised each of us with a special bear made from the clothes of Grandma Steele. After everyone pulled the bear from their gift bag there was a moment of silence and also a tear or two. On each bear was a heart tag that read:
I was once worn by someone so dear,
who through loving memory will always be here.
So when you hug me up close to you,
just remember she loved you too.”
(Even now as I type this it brings a tear to my eye.)

We all know Nancy went to alot of work, after all I believe she made 22 bears. But what she gave each of us was something very special. Just a glance at the bear and it brings back memories of Grandma Steele and all that we loved about her. I hope you will cherish your bear as much as we do ours. Thank you Nancy.

Ryli liked being decorated with Christmas ribbon.

Our Christmas at Home
Every year we try to get a family picture in front of the Christmas tree, and we try to include as many dogs as we can. It depends on which ones will sit still the longest.
Opening gifts