September 2008

It was getting kind of slow in the afternoon of the Estate Sale so Todd took Nancy and me over to Daykin to tour the Nebraska Prairie Rose Bed and Breakfast. This is the house that Todd grew up in. They moved this house and another one into Daykin to fix up and make into […]

The Estate Sale was this last weekend. Jim and Diane handled the cash. Micaele was in charge of marketing. She did a good job, you can see one of her colorful signs on the wall by the mailbox. There was lots of stuff in the backyard too under the canopies. Bubba is modeling the bear […]

Thanks to Jill and Carie we have pictures of the Steele Family Picnic. Most of the kids are getting experienced enough on the horses to ride by themselves. This is Ryli riding Joe and getting him to go through the gate after opening it. This is Bre working with Frosty to get the gate open. […]