Moving Cattle

Jim Gragg, our friend from Tryon called and asked if we could come out and help him move cattle. Friday 104 cows, 93 calves and 3 bulls were delivered to his place for summer pasturing. They came from the Dwight area.

One of his favorite things to do when we go out for a visit, is to take us out to see his new foals. He has 13 of them this year.

We also get to see his buffalo and Casper the brahma bull.

This mare is named Gragg’s Carie. Thought you’d like to see what she looks like now Carie!

And this is Frank the longhorn. Not too long ago Jim measured the spread on his horns and it was somewhere around 63 inchces.

Judy is very crafty and she made all of this wind chimes.

Jim and Judy have 4 dogs – this is Bruno a big loveable bear of a dog.
Last fall that put new tin on the house. Judy said it kept the house alot warmer this last winter and she didn’t have any mice . . . until now. But she thinks she finally caught the last one.

On Saturday we went to a different location where more cattle were going to be delivered. The house and the corrals belong to Marvin and like most ranchers out there, you share what you have. He lets Jim use his chute and corrals to unload the cattle and then we move them out through some gates, back in the hills to Jim’s pasture. The cows and their calves were loaded separately in the trucks so after they were unloaded we moved all of them out to one of the windmills so that the calves could find their mamma’s again. (The bulls come along too.) This takes an hour or two, mostly because the cows are pretty hungry and more worried about getting something to eat and drink than looking for the calves.

Saturday we had to wait for the trucks and Jim always has a deck of cards somewhere, so the guys went into the shop to play cards. They covered an old cooler, pulled up a bucket, battery charger and a rolling stool (anything to sit on) and started a game. They didn’t get to play too many hands before they heard the trucks, but they had some pretty good laughs!

Here, everyone is heading to chutes to help unload the cattle.

This last picture is just a picture of Jim’s arena. They do roping there almost everyweek.