August 2007

Well, we made the trip to New York City to visit Jill and she gave us a whirl-wind tour in 2 1/2 days. Sunday we went to the Empire State Building at dusk when the lights in the buildings are starting to come on. Monday we visited Ground Zero and Fire House Ten, the fire […]

Ken is throwing the kong for the dogs. Bob is enjoying the activities from his easy chair on the patio. Cleo decided she had enough so she took her kong with her to go lie down. Ken and the girls resting after all the fun.

We made the trip to Beaver City on the 11th for Ivan and Adeline’s 65th wedding anniversary. It was about a 4 hour trip but we made it a little longer by stopping in the town of Grafton. They were have their Q125 celebration. They had about 50 old tractors on display, mud volleyball games […]

The Burwell Rodeo was great again this year, but it was much cooler than in years past. You almost needed a jacket and it rained a couple of nights so the arena had some wet spots. We camped at Calamus Lake Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. Jill and her friends Mandy and Kelly came down […]