Bonfire-Weiner Roast

We usually have a weiner roast on Friday night, but this Friday we went to Harold and Rosey Hoge’s to help pick grapes.  There was a big pine tree in the wind-break that had died so Ken cut it down on Saturday afternoon.  They say there is a bug that is killing a lot of the pine trees in Nebraska so we decided to burn the tree for our weiner roast.  The back of the pickup was full.

 It didn’t take many pine needles to make the fire huge.

 These are the trusty dogs on guard for us . . . or maybe us waiting for a piece of bread or hot dog:)

 A great marshmallow fire!

 Just the way I like them. Toasty brown on the outside and melted all the way through.  The hard part is getting them from the fire to your mouth without loosing them.

 They were great. Then we got out an old sleeping bag and watch the meteor shower.  The first one we say had a long, beautiful tail.  Had a great evening and finally went to bed around midnight.