Our day with Emma

Aaron and Kalie were going to go to Fullerton for brother Josh’s graduation and they asked us to babysit. With the dialysis equipment traveling with Emma can be a challenge so we were glad to watch Emma for the day.

Its funny, we always take magazines, sewing or some other things along in case we have some quiet time while Emma is sleeping, but we never really get around to doing any of those things.  When she’s resting we can do a little reading, but for the most part we just like watching her whether she’s sleeping or awake.

I love to watch her get wide-eyed when she sees something new so as I was on my way to the kitchen to put the potato chips away after lunch I thought I would show her the package.  Her eyes did get big, and she had her hands all over the slick package . . . and if you grab it it made lots of noise.

Emma with chip bag
Emma with chip bag

Emma chicks rule-small

Emma doesn’t like to have her legs covered and I thought it was a little cool so I put a receiving blanket over her.  She had that thing kicked off in just a few seconds.

We had a great day with Emma.