Our Trip to New Mexico

Our first full day in Albuquerque we went to the Botanical Garden and then took the train over to the zoo. The elephants were pretty frisky that day!! And we go to watch one of the zookeepers feed the rays by hand.

Tuesday morning Jill took us down to the old part of Albuquerque. The old catholic church there was very beautiful inside and there was a huge cactus growing outside. Across the street from the church was a town square with a gazebo in the middle and a couple of cannons close by.

Tuesday we went to Lincoln County to see where the historic Lincoln County war took place. We were able to go into the L.G. Murphy building and the catholic church. The Tunstall store was closed and, of course, the McSween store had burnt down so there was just an empty lot. They had a fairly new museum and according to the map there, John Chisum’s ranch was on the east side of Roswell, which would be a long ride to Lincoln. Lincoln looks pretty much like a ghost town, other than the historic buildings on each side of the street, there’s not much to see.