Burwell Rodeo

The Burwell Rodeo was great again this year, but it was much cooler than in years past. You almost needed a jacket and it rained a couple of nights so the arena had some wet spots. We camped at Calamus Lake Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. Jill and her friends Mandy and Kelly came down on Saturday and went tubing down the Calamus River. With the cooler weather Jill said Mandy’s lips were blue by the time they were done.

Saturday night Jim Rice was playing in the bowling alley parking lot so we left the rodeo a little early to meet Tami and Mike and Jill, Mandy and Kelly there to dance for awhile. They had a beautiful fireworks display after the rodeo that we could watch while we danced.

This little guy did a good job of keeping his horse going.

We enjoyed the chariot races and the chuckwagon races. There was a muddy spot just inside the arena where one of the teams had to go to make their figure 8. The driver of one of the chariots slipped off the back and was dragged through the mud. I don’t know how, but he was able to get himself back into the chariot and finish the race.

For us, the Ride Horse Ride is always the best.