Choose Me Awards Night in Plymouth

We had a great time at the “Choose Me”Awards in Plymouth. Mark and Chris had us down for supper (deer meatballs that were very good) and then we all went to the dance. This is Miss Kitty and Matt Dillon (use your imagination!!). I could tell we dated ourselves when Chris’ daughter asked who Miss Kitty and Matt Dillon were. But I did win the award for the “Best Dead Actress” and I have the trophy to prove it (although its an old volleyball trophy from 1997).

Chris is very good at planning and organizing. She borrowed a little here and little there and came up with Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers.

This is the Wizard of Oz. Others included the cast of Gilligan’s Island, the Flinestones, Austin Powers, Michael Jackson, Ozzie Osborne . . . .

This girl with the blonde hair is Chris’ sister who helps put all of this on -they do it as a fundraiser and then donate the money to a local organization. The gal with the black wig is Chris’ younger daughter Josie. She is Janet Jackson and if you look close you will see the wardrobe malfunction.

This is a couple from Mark and Chris’ church. They had a little trouble dancing – her with the funnel boobs and he had picked up some platform boots at goodwill and they were killing his feet.

Everyone there is very friendly and we had a great time. They change the theme each year and we’re looking forward to next year.