How’s Tessie doing?

Some of you have asked how’s Tessie doing? So I thought we would do some ‘show and tell’. The first week or so she made messes in the house and spent alot of time in her kennel pouting. But now she is running around the whole house and has not made any more messes. Ken thought she should be more social so she gets fed with Kate and Mattie out in the garage. She and Kate had a little tiff but they tolerate each other pretty well now. When she thinks its time for her treats she follows me around the house and barks sometimes. I don’t sit for very long in the evening and so she makes alot of trips up and down the stairs with me. The other day she was going up the basements stairs ahead of me and missed the second to the last step. She started rolling down the steps like a log. I caught her on the 3rd or 4th step, otherwise I think she would have rolled all the way down to the basement.

The first few days she got to sleep with Carie and after Carie went back to Illinois Tess thought she should sleep with us. Not going to happen!! So I put the bed that Grandma bought her not long ago under the bench in our bedroom. (That way no one steps on her in the dark.) We also put one of Grandma’s sweatshirts in their with her. That’s where she sleeps most of the time. Unfortunately sometime I wake up in the night because I can hear her snoring.

We have Tess’s dog house on the patio for right now. Our cat Bob thinks its great because this one has a nice rug in it – his little house does not. Tess hasn’t been in it yet but one day she found Bob in there and started barking just letting him know that he wasn’t suppose to be in her house. Bob was looking for a chance to escape as Tessie was barking and moving from side to side giving him a piece of her mind. When he darted out, Tess gave chase but only to the end of the patio. She walked back to her house with a certain air and confidence that says “I guess I told him”.

She’s venturing out farther and farther from the house. Yesterday Mattie saw Kate hunting down the driveway by the culvert and she started to bark and head down there. Tess was close by so she decided to bark and go along with Mattie. I called all of them back to the house. Kate and Mattie probably would have liked to have Tess go hunting with them, they could send her in the culver to chase out whatever was in there!!