Steele Family Picnic

As always, we had plenty to eat. Luckily we didn’t have three jello pretzel salads like we had at Easter. When we were done eating, the guys and gals headed off to shoot trap and ride horses. Megan is still a pretty good shot.

This is Jim and Dennis getting ready to shoot as Ken throws the blue rock. Looks like Dennis was more ready than Jim, or maybe Jim was just the backup:)

Barbie watches the shooters while Megan and Steph wait their turn.

Isaak and Denny Russell came out to shoot also.

Nate and Alisha were able to come early this year. That’s my head in the way. Diane is next to Nate and you can barely see Chris Roesler on the left.

Mattie gives Ryli some kisses. Mattie just loves it when someone gets down on her level. Ryli’s getting big enough now that Mattie can’t knock her over as easily.

We also set out the bean bag game and the “red neck” golf game. This is Chad and Barbie playing.

This is Ryli and Nancy playing “redneck” golf.

Here’s Megan and Ryli playing.

Nancy is being a spectator at the horse corral. Todd rode horses and so did Ryli, but we couldn’t get Nancy to ‘mount up’.

Ryli rode Frosty while I walked along.

Pretty soon she was riding Frosty alone and then she got on Joe. She was even able to get Joe to trot around the corral. She’s getting to be quite the rider. Micaela rode Frosty also.

Megan brought a friend of her’s, Steph. Steph loves big dogs (Mattie was a big hit with her) and she loves to ride horses.

Megan wasn’t sure if she wanted to ride, but with a little coaxing (harrassment maybe!) she got on Frosty while Uncle Ken walked along.
After a few trips around the corral, Megan was ready to do a solo ride. She did fine. Uncle Todd was watching and when she was done, he took Frosty for a ride too.