The start of July

Wow! I’m on a roll. Here’s another post.

July is off to a good start. Jillian called us to let us know they were making the trip home for the 4th. They did the drive on Thursday. Aaron, Kalie and the girls also came home on Thursday afternoon to spend the night. Ken made a new teeter totter for the girls and they enjoyed that for a while.

We had put up a tank pool on the patio a couple of weeks earlier and the girls really enjoyed that.  It was a nice day to so we sat out on lawn chairs and watched them play.

After supper we all headed to Stagecoach Lake to take a boat ride. It was the first time the girls got to ride the boat.  We all climbed in and Grandpa took us on a tour of the lake. As we were making our away around the islands on the west side, Grandpa hit a ‘snag’ (a branch or something under the water, but Emma thinks the word snag is funny.)

It was bed time by the time we got back to the house and Jillian and Blaise arrived about that time. After everyone chatted, it wasn’t long and they were all in bed.

The next morning Jillian and Blaise took the girls (and dogs) down to the pond so Cassie could get some exercise. The girls like watching the dogs swim and throwing sticks in the water. After a bit, Aaron and Kalie also went down to the pond to do some fishing.  It wasn’t long and Kalie caught a fish. Aaron tried real hard to get her to touch it.  She just couldn’t,  but I predict that after a few more years of being married to Aaron, she’ll be baiting her own hook and taking her own fish off.

We invited Grandma Great to come out and have lunch with us on Friday. She really enjoyed getting to visit with everyone.

Aaron and Kalie headed back to Bellevue after lunch. They invited us to their house for the 4th

Jillian and Blaise took Brandy and McLintock out for a ride Saturday morning. They ended up over on Olive Creek Road giving the neighbor kids horsey rides.

Then we drove to Bellevue in the afternoon. Aaron did a pork tenderloin in the smoker along with some potatoes. They were very good.  To keep cool he had squirt guns and water balloons for us. Everyone got wet and everyone had a great time!!

There were fireworks going off all evening around the neighborhood and Aaron bought some to light as well.  It was a great 4th of July.